Haricot Vert (French type) Central American imports-moderate supplies from Florida expected to remain about the same, increase next week. Prices much higher. Quality variable, but generally good. Round Green type- steady supplies expected to increase slightly. Prices are lower. Quality is generally good.
Green bell prices are up this week. Supplies have tightened. Red, yellow, and orange bells are down this week supplies have improved. Moderate supplies from Florida. Prices are unchanged. Quality is generally good.
Movement expected about the same. Trading is active. Prices on Habanero higher, others generally unchanged. Quality is variable.
Moderate supplies from Florida. Prices are higher. Quality is generally good.
Cucumber prices are steady this week. Supplies are steady and quality has been good. Product is crossing through Nogales and also from Baja. Moderate supplies out of Florida from Central America expected to decrease as some shippers finish for the season. Prices are fair quality slightly higher, Medium generally unchanged. Quality and condition variable, but generally good. Good supplies from Florida as more shippers resume the season. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality is generally good.
Good supplies from Florida expected to increase slightly. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality is variable.
PNW Onions: Demand remains strong. The market has firmed with higher prices. Although prices seem to have stabilized, other districts will affect prices for the month. TX begins harvest but onion profile is starting out on the small side, some fields peaking on Mediums. In other words, the Jumbo storage crop may see slightly more demand with higher prices while the medium prices may soften. Consumer packs continue to be all the rage- it’s anyone’s guess for the next several weeks. The California Brawley district will begin harvest of conventional as well as Organic onions by late April. There has been some cool weather that slowed it down a bit. PNW Yellow sweets are available as well as red and yellow Organic onions. The overall quality and condition remain excellent on these storage onions. Mexico: Movement is expected to remain about the same. Trading Moderate. Prices Yellow marked sweet, Whites higher, Yellows lower, others generally unchanged.
Mt Vernon: Good availability on all colors this season. White potatoes are finished for the season. Yellow demand has increased but prices remain fairly steady. Yellow and Reds will be available into late April, along with Fingerlings and purple potatoes. Organics are available.
Demand and disappearance have increased in ID and CO, however, in the PNW districts movement are lower this year compared to last. Idaho appears to have a surplus of potatoes this season which is reflected in the higher disappearance and lower prices this season. The PNW may end up a bit short before the new crop begins in July. Large size russets continue to be a hot item in WA/OR with heavier demand. Whereas large potatoes continue to remain tight in Idaho. It is also doubtful that any processing potatoes will make their way into the table sector this season as they did last year. As the country opens up; foodservice demand will increase adding overall pressure to all districts. Price increases are expected over the months to come.
Good supplies from North Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana in preparation for Easter ads. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality good overall.
Zucchini – Zucchini prices are steady. Supplies are good and quality has improved. Moderate supplies from Florida expected to slightly increase. Prices lower. Quality generally good.
Yellow Squash – Yellow squash supplies remain tight this week. Prices are up and quality has been fair. Product is crossing through Nogales. Good supplies from Florida. Prices lower. Quality generally good.
The East: Volume is light as in transition, however weather and the new plantings are in the crops favor which will create a steady flow.
The West: Mexico is light as in between plantings, the new plantings are light yet will add to the supply.
The East: Florida remains steady and the quality is good.
The West: Mexico’s volume is steady supply as we head into the transition between plantings.
The East: Mild weather is keeping the crop steady even though we are heading into a transition.
The West: Mexico is steady and should remain through Mid-April.