The overall market seems to continue to be strong. USDA orders & a shorter crop, have kept the market strong. The retail movement continues to be steady, in the wake of COVID-19. Quality has been good, overall.
The avocado market continues to increase caused by higher field prices especially on 48 & larger fruit in MX. Look for this to continue especially next week as harvest and crossings will be down (no harvesting April 1-5 due to holy week). Sizing is 60/70/48 with fruit big struggling; definite split market appearing between the 60 and 48’s which will continue. Mexico has not yet announced the effect the cold snap has on the fruit and the trees (stay tuned for that). Calif crop harvesting very slow to start with more small fruit than anticipated…. growers are trying to keep fruit on the trees to size up as much as possible.
The estimates out of Mexico continue to come up short. With very little domestic fruit available the BLACKBERRY situation will be demand exceeds supplies for the next couple of weeks.
The west coast BLUEBERRY market remains steady. These are the last 2 weeks of Chile fruit. Mexico continues to be the main supplier. California is still 7-14 days away from harvest.
Expect the RASPBERRY market to remain active and limited in volume as local Oxnard fields continue to make quality adjustments. With the Easter Holiday almost upon us, demand will only increase.
The STRAWBERRY market will continue to be limited with supplies as the fields in Oxnard and Santa Maria clean up from the past hail and rains. Demand will increase as we approach the Easter Holiday pull. While California is forecasted to be dry the temperatures will not be warm enough to bring on extra volume.
The offshore Grape market is very strong. As expected not seeing any change on the Green Seedless front– demand exceeds situation. Red Seedless market is definitely split with good quality fruit market strong with light supplies…. and fruit is in good supply and looking for homes (for good reason). This quality split will continue to be an issue for the balance of the season so be aware. Supplies are looking a little dicey for going into April and look for the market to stay strong. Look for Mexico to start as soon as they get color and sugar levels hopefully by mid-April.
KIWI is all import supplies. The size is good. Look for Chile to join this market in about 2 weeks. All pack styles are available and will be packed fresh for orders. The market is up and will remain this way until the supply lines fill up out of Chile so at least until early May. The east coast is seeing better volume of imports.
The lemon market is still going strong in District 1 with just a little scratching in District 2. Fruit is peaking 140/165/115 heavier fancy than choice and still moving strong on exports. In general, the fruit is clean with a nice yellow color. Once the scales tip to heavier out of District 2 you will see a tip in the grade shifting to more choice. We still have some Meyer Lemons though this season domestically is winding down with only bits and pieces for the next 2 weeks.
The lime market is still strong. Expected to see it bump up more by the end of the week due to lack of harvest/crossings during Holy Weekend. Supplies especially 200 and large to be extremely tight due to this till at least April 12th by which time harvest/crossings will be back full scale. Quality in general is just fair. Shippers are grading out about 50% for blanching/scaring/skin breakdown. Sizing continues to peak on 250/200 with 150 and larger very scares. Shippers are anticipating this sizing structure through most of April at least.
Movement expected to increase seasonally. Trading is moderate. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality is variable.
Honeydew the market is getting bullish as Mexico continues to gap slightly though new districts are starting up. Offshore offering remains light. Look to see this to be the case for the next 2-3 weeks before supplies and markets improve. Fruit quality is just fair to good while we work through the gap.
Cantaloupe supplies are doing well though the market remains strong. All sizes are available from Honduras. Quality is currently good to excellent. Early spring plantings are in the ground and looking at similar supplies to last year…. still looking at mid-May for starting.
Calif Navels look very nice with fair to good color and great flavor. 100% gibbed fruit– trademark is a lighter orange color. 113/138 Fruit continues very limited for the balance of the season. Calif quality has been good to excellent but this late in the season you will occasionally see some puffballs. Still packing heavier to fancy though this is starting to turn. Calif also has Cara Cara and Blood Oranges for your varietal needs… both have great color, flavor and can be packed in full and half cartons. Florida also continues to harvest light numbers of juicing oranges and this market is up especially on smaller sizes. Call your favorite Amerifresh representative and get the details.
All varieties of pears are available. Small pears are extremely tight. Pricing continues to be very strong. Quality is good.
Movement expected about the same. Trading is fairly active. Prices are slightly higher.
Murcotts/Tangerines are in full swing harvesting with good supplies. Sizing is peaking 32/36/28; the market is steady with good demand. Central Calif is harvesting their Minneola — peaking 100/80/125 great for those school lunch bags as an alternative to Oranges…. deep color and lots of juicy flavors. Calif Grapefruit is back and picking in the desert as well as the Bakersfield area with light supplies. Fruit is peaking smaller sizes 40/48/56;s and demand is expected to stay strong.
Arils (pomegranate seeds) currently packing from Peruvian products. Asian Pears available with both Yellow and Brown skin varieties and expect to continue for another month or so with domestic product… we starting to see some imports. Imported Plums continue to arrive with decent supplies at relatively stable markets. Peaches are now starting to wind down and will finish in about 2-3 weeks. Nectarines supplies are down to bits and pieces. White Varieties of Peaches and Nectarines are all be done… Next, stop Calif fruit in late April early May.
Movement expected to increase. Trading is active. Prices are higher. Quality is variable.