There is still very little demand for California Broccoli. Competition from many competing areas throughout the country and Canada are keeping most of the country away from California product. The depressed market will remain for the rest of the month.
Moderate supplies from Michigan and Virginia. Prices are slightly lower. Quality is generally good.
The conventional Carrot market is up, supplies expected to stay tight until mid-August limiting jumbo and cello availability. This demand is even starting to be felt on the baby. Although no change in markets here is expected.
Quality and condition have been good. Supplies are plentiful with deals on 16s and 9s. Markets look to be flat through the next week.
Demand fair. Market about steady. Production has slowed as demand has dropped off a bit. Michigan and other regions have started with good quality. The market will continue to settle in the low double digits. No issues out of California to report at the moment.
Demand light. Market about steady. Harvest curtailed by market conditions. Most shipments from Mexico transferred to Central California for consolidation and distribution. Quality has improved.
Summer plantings have kept the Green Leaf supplies down. But depending on the shortages of Romaine, consumers have looked to the Green Leaf to fill their store shelves with a”green leaf” item. One day the market is high, then two days later the market drops.
The Iceberg Lettuce market continues to be steady. Limited acreage plantings are making for lower available supplies. While the demand is not very active, the Gov’t Box Program is helping to keep the supply pipeline empty and product moving through the system.
While most of the leaf family is gaining interest with limited supplies and better markets, the Red Leaf and Butter Leaf demand remains depressed.
Romaine continues to drive the Wet Veg bus. Limiting plantings have made for lower than normal supplies. Demand for salads and Hearts for the Gov’t. Box Program has kept this market high; should continue throughout the month.