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Market Insider July 24, 2020

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Limited supplies from Virginia. Prices are unchanged. Quality is generally good.

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers

Green bell production has transitioned to the Fresno area. Supplies have improved and prices are down a little. Red, yellow, and orange remain tight and prices are up. Moderate supplies from North Carolina. Prices are lower. Quality is generally good. Light supplies from Michigan as more growers begin to harvest.




Movement expected about the same. Trading early moderate, late fairly slow. Prices on Habanero slightly lower, Anaheim and Jalapeno lower, Serrano much lower, Poblano generally unchanged. Quality is variable.



Moderate supplies from Georgia and Virginia. Prices are higher. Quality is generally good.



Cucumbers are down a little this week. Supplies are good and quality has been nice crossing from Baja.


traffic light with yellow light lit up

Light supplies from Georgia. Movement is expected to decrease as shippers are generally finished for the season. Prices are higher. Quality is generally good.


traffic light with green light lit up

NW Onions OR & WA: There will be a mix of red and yellow Transplants, Overwinters, and Direct Seed onions being packed on July 27th. The Regular season has begun. There will be good supplies until next spring. Prices will cool off as volume heats up. Growing conditions have been outstanding for these onions. Dry and mild with a bit of heat lately to finish off the skin set. Size profiles are yet to be reported but probably average for the PNW. Anticipation is high for these onions volume maybe a touch tight in the first few days. Walla Walla Sweets are in GOOD supply. San Joaquin Valley and New Mexico are still producing with mixed quality reports. Colorado new crop onions to start soon as well. Mexican onion movement expected to be about the same. Supplies in too few hands to establish a market.


Colored Potatoes

Colored Potatoes

traffic light with yellow light lit up

Colored Potatoes

Eastern WA packing New Crop Red & Yellow potatoes along with Fingerlings. Quality is mixed so far but overall good. There are ORGANIC colored spuds and fingerlings available as well. The price is high but stable. California is still producing ALL colors, however, supplies are tight. Look for this colored potato deal to stay strong with strong demand until Mt Vernon begins in the fall. The Mt Vernon district will be back in September.

Russet Potatoes

Russet Potatoes

traffic light with yellow light lit up

Russet Potatoes

Russet Potato storage supplies in WA / OR / ID are a few weeks from being exhausted. They will overlap with the New Crop Russets that begin in earnest July 27th. A good volume on a small profile is the projection. Don’t expect the price to drop just yet though. Demand remains strong as retail potato sales break record-setting highs. Skin-set is mixed, reports indicate from a few test runs. It’s hot in the PNW- great for curing the netting on these new babies. Idaho Burbank supplies are getting tired. But they start their Norkotah crop by the 2nd week of August. Possibly a few early fields. Quality and condition are generally good on storage crop. Organic Russets are now available.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes


Sweet Potatoes

Moderate supplies from North Carolina and Mississippi. Prices are generally unchanged. Light supplies from Louisiana as some shippers are finished for the season. Quality is generally good.

Soft Squash

Soft Squash

Zucchini – Fresno and Santa Maria have started, supplies and quality are good. Prices are steady this week. Moderate supplies from Virginia, Michigan, and North Carolina. Prices are unchanged. Quality is generally good.

Yellow Squash – Same as zucchini. California is harvesting, supplies are decent and markets are steady this week. We are seeing steady supplies from Michigan, North Carolina, and Virginia. Prices are unchanged. Quality is generally good.


Grape Tomatoes

Grape Tomatoes


Grape Tomatoes

East Coast is limited; NC, TN and VA have started. Although volume is light it looks as though it currently enough for current demand.

West Coast – Central Mexico has very strong volume and quality; Baja has steady supply. Grapes look great for the west good time to promote.


Roma Tomatoes

Roma Tomatoes

traffic light with red light lit up

Roma Tomatoes

East Coast is slowly building volume don’t expect big numbers until we get into August.

West Coast is increasing in volume and the East Coast is grabbing as much as they can keeping this market active for the next several weeks.


Round Tomatoes

Round Tomatoes

traffic light with yellow light lit up

Round Tomatoes

We still have delays in NJ/VA/TN don’t expect to see significant volume from these areas until the last of July/first of August. We will see a slow and gradual increase in availability over the next few weeks as more farms begin to harvest and/or get deeper into the season.

West Coast is getting better as more growers are getting online in the San Joaquin Valley on mature greens.; we are seeing a lot of wind-scarring that is reducing yields as they are graded out. Baja has moderate numbers of vineripes.