Haricot Vert (French type) Central American imports out of Florida- moderate supplies expected to remain about the same. Prices are slightly higher. Quality and condition is variable, yet generally good.
Green bell prices are holding steady this week, supplies have not changed. California is harvesting in the Fresno and Gilroy areas. Red, yellow and orange bells are steady this week. We can expect good supplies from Michigan and North Carolina. Prices are slightly lower. Quality is generally good.
Movement expected about the same. Trading on Serrano is active, others moderate. Prices on Serrano are much higher, Anaheim lower, Poblano generally unchanged, others slightly lower. Quality is variable.
Moderate supplies from Virginia and Michigan. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality is generally good.
Cucumber prices are steady this week. Supplies are good and quality has been nice. Product is crossing through Baja. Good supplies from Michigan and North Carolina. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality is good overall.
Light supplies from Michigan expected to increase. Initial harvest is underway.
New crop reds & yellows have begun. Sizing is currently smaller than average, but we will see good sizing this season. Consumer packs continue to be in high demand. Overall quality and condition remain excellent on the few remaining storage onions that are left.
New crop reds & yellows have begun in eastern WA. Pricing is strong to begin the season. Western WA to begin in September.
NW russets continue to have strong FOBs on the larger sizes, with most shippers packing the smaller sizes & not much volume on the larger sizes. New crop WA russets have started.
We can expect steady supplies from North Carolina and Mississippi. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality is generally good.
Zucchini – Zucchini prices have not changed too much this week, supplies are steady. Product is available in California and a few local deals will be starting soon. Quality has been nice. Light supplies from North Carolina as some producers continue to experience a production gap. Prices are generally unchanged. Good supplies from Michigan and Virginia. Quality is good.
Yellow Squash – Yellow squash prices are steady this week, supplies are tight. Same as zucchini, product is available in California. Steady supplies from Michigan and Virginia. Prices are higher and quality is good.
The East: Volume is steady and quality is improving.
The West: Baja’s volume is up and down due to labor shortages. Small volumes are starting to cross from Central Mexico via the Nogales port of entry.
The East: Supply is starting to balance out as more growing regions come online.
The West: Baja’s will remain in light supply until at least September. East Mexico has light crossing into McAllen yet expect to see this increase. Due to recent heat California has had lighter yields.
The East: Depending on growing area volume is all over the place due to recent and upcoming weather. Quality is mixed.
The West: Baja supply had declined as usual for this time of year. East Mexico is light. San Joaquin has been the the largest contributor to the West Coast’s supply. However, due to recent heat they are having supply and quality issues.