The overall market continues to be strong. There are various deals on long items, with a few shippers. Retail movement continues to be steady. Quality continues to be good overall.
Avocado market relatively stable in Mexico though growers are still trying to move up the field prices. MX sizing is increasing, seeing more 48/40/60 in the pack outs. Peruvian fruit has started. Calif crop is still looking good but on the light side. In general, the market on domestic product is stronger but Mexico imports are hoping to change that over the next few weeks with the slow down of harvest.
We are seeing steady arrivals of BLACKBERRIES from Mexico. We adjusted prices this week, and could see another adjustment in the coming week. We are expecting a very large crop of California Blacks, and need everyone to promote.
There are plenty of BLUEBERRIES on both coasts. More available out of the East. Prices should remain steady. The Berry size will start to increase, and supplies will build as actual numbers are above field estimates.
The majority of RASPBERRIES are being harvested out of the East Coast. But supplies are slowly starting to build out West. Not as many Raspberries as the other fruit varieties, but still we should have plenty in the coming weeks.
Supplies of STRAWBERRIES are plentiful, but supplies of fresh market berries are limited. The Processed demand for frozen and juice is very active this week. The Southern Season (Oxnard-Santa Maria) is finished, and peak Salinas-Watsonville season will be in a couple of weeks.
Supplies out of Mexico and Coachella are looking very nice. Promotional prices are now being set for July 4th ads so get in there and lock yourselves down. Expecting to have good supplies out of this area into early July by which time the Bakersfield/Arvin area will be starting. Berry and bunch size are both looking good and quality is excellent on Red Green & Black Seedless.
KIWI is all import (Chile/Italy) at this time. Sizes are good and all packs styles are available and will be packed fresh for orders. Market is steady and shouldn’t see much change until mid August. Chilean fruit is hard and will take some time to ripen up.
Lemons are now almost all out of district 2 and volume and quality are both down. We are anticipating supplies to be light for the next two months out of district 2. Fruit continues to peak 140/165/115 well shaped with a nice yellow color. Fruit is grading out at this time heavy to choice/standard with very limited fancy due to excess scarring from heavy winter winds. Market is strong at this time with demand exceeds on a lot of sizes so be prepared to make adjustments. Price are going to be advancing almost weekly. No relief is expecting until imports start arriving late June early July which could help to subsidies supplies on both east and west coasts.
Sizing continues to grow as the crop is benefiting from the past rains, but is still not quite where it should be. Pricing on all sizes came down some more, with the smaller sizes leveling out price wise. 200ct and smaller continue to remain the most readily available. As we near another growing region transition, look for large sized fruit to also begin stabilizing in price, and potentially see a spike by month end when the current growing region winds down, and large fruit gets tighter again. Our warehouse and packing sheds will also continue to monitor for stylar and remove all they see prior to shipping. Quality overall, despite the rain, has remained excellent.
Movement expected about the same. Trading early fairly slow, late moderate. Prices on Altaulfo 12s lower, others slightly lower; Tommy Atkins 9-10s generally unchanged, others slightly higher. Quality is variable.
Honeydews can’t catch a break and are sill showing light supplies domestically though this should turn around in the next 10 days as fields mature…. but not by much. Mexico/ Nogales are showing supplies but with a smaller size profile. Quality on dews is mixed.
Cantaloupe good supplies with a strong market. Sizes are peaking on smaller side 12/15/9’s. Quality is very good to excellent.
Calif summer Navels are still available heavy to 72 and larger; with just a few 88 ans smaller in very limited numbers. Valencia are now going in a light way domestically with the fruit on the trees on the large side currently packing 88/72/113. Market has firmed up on all oranges and is expected to keep moving up. Valencia crop size in general is lighter in volume than last year with the peak since currently on 88’s. This doesn’t bode well for fall school demand.
Small D’Anjou pears are extremely tight. Pricing continues to be very strong. Quality is good.
Movement expected about the same. Trading early fairly active, late moderate. Prices 7s slightly lower, others generally unchanged. Quality is variable.
Mandarins are still hanging in there with good color and sugar for eating pleasure. We are starting to see a wind down and expect to have the crop all but finished in the next two weeks; Market is steady with good demand. Calif Grapefruit is picking in the desert as well as the Bakersfield area with light supplies. Fruit is peaking smaller sizes 40/48/56;s and demand is good…. with nice deep ruby red color… We will see this go through June when we start transitioning into Summer/Marsh varieties which will have more of a light blush.
Calif Tree Fruit Nectarine size continues to be small 54/56 and smaller. Yellow Peaches showing good volume with the market posed lower; sizes 48/50 and smaller. Seeing increased volume on White Peaches sizing similar to Yellows. Last week saw White Nectarines picking. Calif got a miss on the May rains and as a result we still have good Cherries -Brooks/ Coral- available with good quality limited volume on 10.5 and larger. Red & Black Plums are available. Arils (pomegranate seeds) currently packing from Peru/Chile. Imported Bartletts and Forelle Pears are cleaning up; Calif to start with Summersprites in late June early July followed closely by Bartletts. Calif Pear crop looks good in size and expect to have decent supplies of 120/135 for school lunch programs.
Movement expected about the same. Trading moderate. Prices are slightly lower. Quality is variable.