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Market Insider September 4, 2020

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traffic light with yellow light lit up

As reported last week, limiting supplies of Broccoli due to the extreme heat in the fields last month, has made for a good broccoli market. Quality problems have hurt the Asian Cut supplies driving the market up. Same into next week.



Steady supplies from Michigan and Virginia. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality is generally good.


traffic light with yellow light lit up

The conventional Carrot market is up slightly with light supplies of jumbo and cello. This demand is even starting to be felt on baby which demand is also up…. though no change in markets here are expected.


traffic light with green light lit up

Cauliflower supplies are plentiful. Demand is just fair. Quality and condition have been good. Markets look to stay softer through next week. Lots and lots of deals on 16s and 9s.


traffic light with green light lit up

The market remains fairly flat with plenty of celery being offered from various regions. As local deals come to an end; Salinas will be the focal shipping location. Good quality and supplies being reported.

Green Onions

Green Onions
traffic light with yellow light lit up

Green onion production has taken a hit due to the heat. Availability and quality have become issues. The market is relatively short for this time of the year, expect supplies to remain snug for the next few weeks.


Green Leaf Lettuce

Green Leaf Lettuce

traffic light with yellow light lit up

Green Leaf Lettuce

Same as the Red Leaf. Early in the month; heat either damaged older fields or accelerated the growth of younger fields creating an earlier than projected harvest. We will be in limited supplies of Green Leaf next week.

Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce


Iceberg Lettuce

The Iceberg Lettuce market continues to be depressed. Going into the Labor Day Holiday, consumers are still looking into Fruits and Melons. But, with the new round of Gov’t. Box Program, we should start to see more interest and better movement helping to drive this market up.

Red Leaf Lettuce

Red Leaf Lettuce

traffic light with yellow light lit up

Red Leaf Lettuce

Problems from high heat early in the month have made for irregular supplies of Leaf lettuce coming out of the Salinas Valley. Older fields were burned up, and newer fields were maturing faster than anticipated and had to be harvested early causing limited supplies for this time period.

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine Lettuce

traffic light with yellow light lit up

Romaine Lettuce

The Best of the Leaf markets continue to be Romaine and Romaine Hearts. Quality problems from the extreme heat last month continue to limited supplies of “Good Quality” Romaine. With the new round of contracts for the Gov’t Box program, Romaine Hearts will continue to be a wanted item, helping to keep the supplies moving and market active.