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Market Insider October 23, 2020

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traffic light with green light lit up

The recent warm temperatures in the Salinas/Santa Maria have helped to increased supplies of both the bunch and crown cut broccoli.  Pricing has been adjusting downward this past week and should continue into next week.  There may be some quality issues from some shippers, so be advised a great deal may not be that great.



Steady supplies from Michigan.   Prices are slightly lower.  Quality is generally good. Light harvest from North Carolina expected to begin in approximately 7 days with more reportable volume expected late October/first of November.


traffic light with yellow light lit up

Carrot market steady at this time despite just fair to good supplies. Jumbo and cello have struggled the last few months with growing conditions just not producing enough size to meet the demands of these packs. Demand continues strong on baby and processed products as well… though no change in markets here is expected. Processed baby and snack packs are struggling to keep up with the demand. As such shippers are not taking on any new business and are starting to prorate on regular orders…. this is expected to last at least 2-3 weeks.


traffic light with green light lit up

Cauliflower quality and condition are good and demand is steady. The market started to go up and then turned around and went back down; so there should be plenty of deals through next week.



Market steady, some shippers are now gearing up for the Holidays as retailers confirm Ad prices. Expect the market to tighten up during the holidays.  Plenty of deals for a limited time only.

Green Onions

Green Onions
traffic light with green light lit up

The market is steady with great quality overall. Shippers are now expecting supplies to pick up through the holidays. Great time to promote.


Green Leaf Lettuce

Green Leaf Lettuce

traffic light with red light lit up

Green Leaf Lettuce

Green Leaf remains the tightest commodity of all the leaf varieties.  Soil problems and heat damage wiped out a majority of the Green Leaf supplies.  No relief until Yuma, this market will continue to be a Big Money Ticket.

Iceberg Lettuce

Iceberg Lettuce

traffic light with red light lit up

Iceberg Lettuce

The race is almost finished; the Salinas season is about done.  There is only a couple of weeks left with Iceberg Lettuce.  This week we had 7 shippers harvesting lettuce out of Huron, and 1 shipper start harvesting out of Bakersfield.  While the market is looking for a level of consistency, with volumes in Salinas in too few hands we will not see stability until we get down to Yuma.

Red Leaf Lettuce

Red Leaf Lettuce

traffic light with yellow light lit up

Red Leaf Lettuce

Red Leaf Lettuce, like most leaf lettuces, is about finished for the season.  Supplies will be limited until we get to Yuma.  Not a lot of interest in Red Leaf, but what limited supplies that are available will keep the market high.

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine Lettuce

traffic light with red light lit up

Romaine Lettuce

Romaine continues to be a high priced item.  Limited acreage is creating smaller volumes out of the Salinas Valley.  With the new Canadian rules regarding Romaine, there appear to be a few more cartons available, but the market still warrants big money. Very few Romaine Hearts (a different item than carton romaine) will be limited until Yuma.