Finally, the broccoli market is adjusting down. The planting gap that limited supplies for the past couple of weeks is starting to fill. New fields are becoming available at the end of this week, and better supplies are forecasted for next week.
Moderate supplies from Florida expected to increase slightly. Trading Round Green & Red type active, Savoy type moderate. Prices red type much higher, round green type slightly higher, Savoy type unchanged. Quality is generally good.
The carrot market continues steady at this time despite fair supplies. That being said expect to see supplies limited for the next few months as USDA Farm to Family box program kicks in for another round. Jumbo and cello market is inching back up; call to get your order on the books. Demand for snack carrots continues strong and advance ordering is a must. Look for prorating to be a possibility again.
Cauliflower supplies have been plentiful. The quality and condition have been good overall. Markets look to be steady through next week with deals on 9s and 16s
Market Higher, supplies are very short due to warmer temps in November and December that brought on supplies leaving us in a gap for the Month of January. We are expecting the market to remain strong through the month and into February.
Market Higher, the Christmas and New Year holidays left a labor shortage along with cooler weather in MX. This was a nice formula for an active market. This market seems to have topped off as labor has returned and supplies have picked up a bit.
There continues to be plenty of GREEN LEAF in the DESERT, and the market reflects the abundance of product. Continued oversupply into next week.
It looks like the ICEBERG LETTUCE market has settled. We should not see any major swings for a couple of weeks.
Again we are seeing the effects of limited RED LEAF plantings. Of all the leafy items, the Red leaf market is active and very high priced. This will last a couple of weeks until new fields become available.
ROMAINE remains plentiful in the Desert. Recent frost mornings have started to show epidermal peeling in the ribs, so be prepared to inform your customers of this defect. Most shippers are quoting the Romaine with peel showing, so be advised there may not be credits issued for peeling on the ribs.