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Market Insider March 12, 2021

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Haricot Vert (French type) Central American imports-moderate supplies from Florida.  Prices are slightly higher.  Quality variable but generally good. Round Green type- steady supplies expected to increase slightly. Quality is generally good.

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers

Green bell prices are steady this week. Supplies are steady. Peppers are crossing through Nogales quality has been good. Red and Orange supplies are steady as well. There are fewer yellow peppers available. Steady supplies from Florida expected to slightly increase. Prices are much higher. Quality is generally good.



Movement expected about the same. Trading on Habanero fairly active at slightly lower prices, others fairly active. Prices on Serrano slightly higher, Habanero slightly lower, others generally unchanged. Quality is variable.



Moderate supplies from Florida. Prices are unchanged. Quality is good.



Cucumber prices are steady this week. Supplies have improved. Quality has been nice. Product is crossing through Nogales. Moderate supplies out of Florida from Central America expected to remain about the same.  Prices are much lower. Quality and condition are variable.



Good supplies from Florida.  Prices are much higher. Quality is variable.


traffic light with yellow light lit up

PNW Onions: Demand has increased on ALL onions – yellows being hit the hardest. Prices are noticeably higher this week and will continue to be strong until California begins Mid-April. Red onions are firming as well as supplies shrink in WA/OR. White prices are all over the board due to mixed quality storage whites along with ample supplies from TX and Mexico. The recent interest in PNW onions is due in part to marginal quality on the New Crop Mexican supply as well as Idaho supplies beginning to dry up, shifting the pull to WA/OR. The California Brawley district will begin harvest of conventional as well as Organic onions by mid to late April. PNW Yellow sweets are available as well as red and yellow Organic onions. The overall quality and condition remain excellent on these storage onions. Mexico Movement is expected to remain about the same. Trading Whites fairly slow, others active. Prices on Yellow colossal, medium and Reds higher, White medium lower, others generally unchanged.


Colored Potatoes

Colored Potatoes


Colored Potatoes

Mt Vernon: Good availability on all colors this season. Whites supplies are finished for the season. Yellow and Reds will be available in April, along with Fingerlings and purple potatoes. Organics are available. Eastern WA continues with a small supply of Red & Yellow potatoes to go perfectly with your russet and onions orders. Quality is good. ORGANIC-colored spuds are available as well.

Russet Potatoes

Russet Potatoes


Russet Potatoes

The market remains flat, even though Idaho realized the highest disappearance for February than they have had in 20 years. With supplies diminishing in some northern districts in the US and Canada movement is shifting to the PNW and Colorado. Look for a slight bump in demand due to the Easter holiday pull beginning next week. Overall the market and supplies are stable and will be available up to the start of the new crop in late summer. FOBs continue at a steady pace with consistent disappearance. Quality remains outstanding. Organic Russets are available.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes


Sweet Potatoes

Good supplies from North Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana.  Prices are unchanged. Quality is generally good.

Soft Squash

Soft Squash

Zucchini – Zucchini prices are steady this week. Supplies and quality have improved. Moderate supplies from Florida expected to increase. Prices are much lower and quality is variable.

Yellow Squash – Yellow squash prices are up this week. Quality has been fair. Product is crossing through Nogales. Moderate supplies from Florida expected to slightly increase.  Prices Yellow straight neck generally unchanged.  Quality is generally good.


Grape Tomatoes

Grape Tomatoes

traffic light with yellow light lit up

Grape Tomatoes

The East: Lighter demand and bloom drop has caused several growers to leave behind older fields reducing yields. Expect this to turn around in the next few weeks.

The West: Mexico is light as in between plantings, Sinaloa new crop will be ready in the next 10 days or so.




Roma Tomatoes

Roma Tomatoes


Roma Tomatoes

The East: Florida is very steady and the quality is good.

The West: Mexico volume has a great supply although we will see supply lower a bit due to the transition between plantings.

Round Tomatoes

Round Tomatoes


Round Tomatoes

The East: Volume for the rest of the month is expected to be the same, sizing maybe a mix of smaller and larger sizes.

The West: Mexico is