The skin varies along with a range of tan and has rings, though its firm flesh is an off-yellow color. The skin’s thickness depends on when it was harvested; the thinner the skin, the less mature the root. Its aroma is strong with spicy overtones. Unsure of which ginger is the best? We’ve got you covered. Look for the roots that are smooth, firm, and heavy for their size. Avoid soft, wrinkled, or moldy ones.
We found a recipe for a mean pork tenderloin that you should try out. You can also use ginger raw or in juices, smoothies, teas, sauces, soups, salads, stir-fries, and desserts.
Ginger root is available year-round from our top producers; China, Indonesia, and India. Those three countries cover 98 percent of the US supply. Hawaii provides the remaining two. Ginger is native to Southeast Asia.
For whole and unpeeled ginger root, store in an air-tight plastic bag in your fridge’s crisper drawer and it’ll last about three weeks. After that root is partially cut, you’ll need to dry the cut end and continue to store it the same way for the same amount of time. If it is entirely peeled, that’ll cut its shelf life in half using the same storage method described above.