We are inching to the end of the 2019-2020 crop. Supplies are still good on some varieties. The Feeding America box has helped to strengthen the market, over the past month. The retail movement has been steady, in the wake of COVID-19. Although, Foodservice & some wholesalers are struggling. Quality as been good, overall.
Avocados are doing well currently with fruit available from Mexico/Peru and Calif. Mexico is winding up on its main program with Peru filling in nicely with green hard fruit. Peaking mostly on 48/40/60 fruit. Calif is going strong although the crop is a little on the light side. the market is the same out of all the growing regions at this time. Mexico and Calif fruit are showing better maturity and oil contents. Look for the market to stay relatively stable over the next month on most sizes.
Light volumes of Blacks coming out of California, but what fruit is available is strong and looks great.
Blueberries are available from coast to coast. The fruit is strong and supplies are plentiful.
Raspberries are not as plentiful as the other varieties of berries but available out of Salinas/Watsonville. Not really promotable, but enough supplies for a mixed berry order.
There are plenty of strawberries coming out of the Salinas Watsonville area. Local strawberry production throughout the country will take care of their areas, limiting demand for California fruit.
Nogales is going with good supplies of Flames/Early Sweets. Prices should start to stabilize by the end of the week. Coachella is starting to get volume on both the Red & Green seedless. With this, we are starting to see the market come off slightly. Due to the slow start from these two regions expect to see some overlap on supplies when Bakersfield/Arvin starts at the end of June. It should be an opportunity to set up some retail business.
We are hitting the Chilean fruit-heavy at this time with all Kiwi sizes available to ship. The fruit is firm and eating well. Supplies expected to stay good through the summer months into early fall.
We are in the summer season of Lemons where demand is strong. Supplies are fair and as such the market is holding its own. Don’t expect to see any real relief on the market until the import pipeline fills up in late June/early July. Most of the fruit is starting to wind down in District 1 and in full swing out of District 2. The fruit is peaking 140/165 but even those sizes are not getting any breaks. Quality in general is good with the occasional scaring/blemish/discoloration.
Moderate supplies from Mexico expected to increase slightly. Prices on 175s lower, 230-250s generally unchanged, others slightly lower. Quality is variable.
Movement expected about the same. Crossings include Haden and light supplies of Kent varieties. Trading is moderate. Prices on Tommy Atkins 6-7s slightly lower, others generally unchanged. Quality is variable.
Honeydews: Desert honeydews are harvesting though most of the Dews continue to harvest out of Nogales/Mexico. Mexican fruit is a little better quality at this time. Look for domestic fruit to improve rapidly as we move through the month. Sizes are peaking 6/8 but should get bigger in the weeks to come.
Cantaloupe: Domestic Cantaloupe supplies are doing well and the sizes are on the large side mostly 9/12/jumbo 9. Quality out of the desert has bee good to excellent with good sugar levels. We should have good availability out of this area until late in June. Look for Bakersfield and the Westside to start the last week of June first week of July.
Navels are mostly down to the Late Lanes and those will be completed by mid-next week. Most shippers are full swing on Valencia. Sizing structure is peaking on 88/72/113 at this time with some smaller fruit avail as well. They are packing out heavy to fancy. The market is strong with most of the 88 and smaller fruit going into 10/4# bags for USDA box program. Look for the market to stay strong on the Valencia program through the end. Offshore Navels are expected to make arrivals at the end of June.
We are coming to the end of the pear season, with D’anjou being the last variety available. Smaller sizes are tight, with the Feeding America program taking many bags. Pricing remains steady, as we get closer to the new crop Bartletts in Aug. Quality has been good.
Moderate supplies from Mexico. Prices are generally unchanged. Quality is variable.
Tangerines/Mandarins domestically are finishing up fast with most of this fruit packing into bags for big money. Quality is fair as it gets to the end and the fruit has taken a lot of weather here in Calif. Imports are starting to arrive on the East coast… West coast will see arrivals in a few weeks.
Stone fruit is now in full swing with Peaches/Apricots/Nectarines/Plums and Cherries all harvesting. Supplies are good and priced to move on Peaches at this time peaking 48/50 avail in Yellow and White flesh… expect to see this lighten up mid-June. Nectarines which have been slow going for the last 3 weeks are starting to pick up in volume on both White and Yellow flesh this fruit to is peaking 48/50. Red & Black Plums, as well as Pluots, are harvesting peaking on 60/70 size…. however the volume is not significant to bring the market down much… look for this to transpire between the 15-20th of June. Fair supplies of Cherries still in Calif delta area and starting up in Washington for your eating pleasure.
Movement expected to increase seasonally. Trading very active. Quality is generally good. Harvest curtailed by rain and wet fields May 22-25 and May 28-31.