The overall market continues to be strong. There are various deals on long items, with a few shippers. Retail movement continues to be steady. Quality continues to be good overall.
Avocado market relatively stable in Mexico though growers are still trying to move up the field prices. MX sizing is increasing, seeing more 48/40/60 in the pack outs. Peruvian fruit has started. Calif crop is still looking good but on the light side. In general, the market on domestic product is stronger but Mexico imports are hoping to change that over the next few weeks with the slow down of harvest.
Very good supplies of high quality blackberries. Peak volumes continue this week and into next week. The fruit continues to to eat great, large size and perfect color.
Plenty of blueberries from coast to coast. Clear and hot weather will help increase color and promote high quality.
Plenty of fruit from coast to coast. We could see price adjustments next week.
Temperatures are starting to climb in Salinas/Watsonville. This increase in heat, coupled with longer sun hours will help the plants to load up on fruit. Look for plenty of supply for the coming weeks. Berry size continues to be large.
Grapes are harvesting Monday through Friday out of Mexico and Coachella. July 4th promotional prices are set. With that being said the market is turning very active on Red and Green Grapes with crop estimates expected to drop over the next 10 days due to extreme temperature damaging the fruit on the vines. This will probably put a slight gap between here and the Bakersfield/Arvin harvest start. Berry and bunch size are both looking good on that fruit that has harvested… next week will be a slightly different situation on Red, Green & Black Seedless.
KIWI is all import (Chile/Italy) at this time. Sizes are good and all packs styles are available and will be packed fresh for orders. Market is steady and shouldn’t see much change until mid August. Chilean fruit is hard and will take some time to ripen up.
Lemons are all out of district 2; volume and quality are both down in that area this year. We are anticipating supplies to be light for the next two months domestically. Fruit continues to peak 140/165/115; well shaped with a nice yellow color. Fruit is grading out at this time heavy to choice/standard with very limited fancy due to excess scarring from heavy winter winds. Market continues strong with demand exceeds on smaller sizes so be prepared to make adjustments. Prices are going to be advancing almost weekly. No relief is expecting until imports start arriving early July which could help to subsidize supplies on both the east and west coasts.
All the rain that Mexico got over the last couple months is finally starting to positively affect the lime crop. Large sizes that have been extremely tight for the last few months are now becoming more readily available, and pricing is starting to reflect that. Smaller sizes (200ct and smaller) are not as abundant as they have been, but they are not tight by any means. Small fruit is affordable and promotable, and large fruit is becoming more available, while getting cheaper. Quality has been good, but with the end of another crop approaching and high humidity levels, Stylar could remain a potential issue for the next 3-4 weeks until we get into the next new crop.
Movement expected about the same. Trading early moderate, late fairly slow. Prices on Tommy Atkins slightly lower, Altaulfo generally unchanged. Quality is variable.
Honeydews can’t catch a break and are sill showing light supplies domestically though this was expected to turn around; intense heat is just bringing on more fruit and small sizes not what retailers really want to see. Quality on dews is mixed and we expect to see some loose centers for then next few weeks.
Cantaloupe market is strong despite good supplies. Sizes are on smaller side 12/15/9’s. Quality is very good to excellent.
Calif summer Navels are still out there but showing age with puff crease and of course occasional fuzz balls on arrival. Heavy to 72 and larger; with just a few 88 and smaller; in very limited numbers. Valencia are shipping domestically with the fruit on the trees on the large side currently packing 88/72/113. Market has firmed up on all oranges and is expected to keep moving up. Valencia crop size in general is lighter in volume than last year with the peak since currently on 88’s this doesn’t bode well for fall school demand.
Small D’Anjou pears are extremely tight. Pricing continues to be very strong. Quality is good.
Movement expected about the same. Trading is moderate. Prices on 5-7s lower, 8s slightly lower. Quality is variable.
Mandarins are starting to wind down fast domestically. Market has been steady with good demand. Calif Grapefruit looking nice; picking in the desert as well as the Bakersfield area with light supplies. Fruit is peaking smaller sizes 40/48/56’s and demand is good. We are now starting to transition into Summer/Marsh varieties which will have more of a light blush.
Calif is experiencing like all the south an intense Hot wave. This is pushing maturity of fruit on the trees and LIMITING harvest time. This will also cause some issues on the fruit with getting it cooled down fast enough to avoid later damage. Tree Fruit Nectarine size continue 54/56 and smaller. Yellow Peaches were showing good volume 48/50 and smaller. Seeing increased volume on White Peach/Nectarines as well. Calif Cherries still available now mostly up out of the Stockton area where nights are cooler and color is a nice deep red. Red & Black Plums are available. Look for market on all calif tree fruit to be marked to move for next 7-10 days then due to current heat we could see a gap around the second week of July while fruit catches up. Arils (pomegranate seeds) currently packing from Peru/Chile. Imported Bartletts and Forelle Pears are cleaning up; Calif is starting with Sumer sprites this month with Bartletts in early to mid July. Calif Pear crop looks good in size and expect to have decent supplies of 120/135 for school lunch programs.
Movement expected about the same. Trading is moderate. Prices are lower. Quality is variable.