There are about 10 varieties of Asian pears. Depending on the variety, their skin will range in color from green to yellow and brown. Some have russeting (brown spots), which is completely normal. Their white flesh can be described as juicy, sweet, crisp, and fragrant. When picking them out, they should be firm, but don’t squeeze too hard-they have delicate skin and can bruise easily.
The next time you’re craving a sweet heat, try making this coleslaw. You can’t beat the flavor of the raw Asian pear, but you can also sauté them and toss them into salads, sauces, or desserts. Or if you feel like experimenting, use them in any recipe that calls for an apple.
As the name indicates, Asian pears are native to China and Japan. Now, the US gets its Asian pears from California and Oregon between July and January and from Chile from February to June.
When whole, you can keep them out on the counter for up to 10 days. In the fridge, they can last up to two months. After you cut them, they’ll be good for about two days in the fridge in an air-tight container before they begin to brown.